Big Bella (Shoreline)

I was shocked when I went to Shoreline Restaurant & Brewery and all of our beers served perfectly carbonated. It was really nice. I visit Shoreline a few times a year. It's not a bad brewery, but it's one of those places that makes it a perk to have the blog. I can check my Shoreline posts and not make the same order mistake twice. I remember liking their Beltaine Scotch Ale, so I figured this would be a nice taste.

General Thoughts
Look and Smell: It had a great creamy white head. It was an almost black reddish-brown. It had a little lacing as that lingered as it settled.

Taste: It was malty. It was a little cold, so it was hard to get a good taste in before it warmed up. The malty flavor was sweet. It had a nice aftertaste. I'd order it again. The thick, creaminess to it was enjoyably warm and perfect for watching the big snowflakes falling outside.

From the menu:
A strong offering with intermingling flavors of molasses, currant, berries and caramel. In Scotland this beer is called a "Wee Heavy".


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