Salvation (Avery)

I haven't had this part of the Holy Trinity of Ales in a long time. I really like this set of Avery brews. I like most Avery brews. I've had the Salvation Collaboration Not Litigation too (the one they made with the other brewery that had a Salvation). It was a long time ago, so no post for that. I really like these Avery beers, because they generally are balanced with great, complex, flavors. They are never overpowering and never bland.

General Thoughts
Look and Smell: The white head settled quickly. It's a cloudy gold color. I could smell citrus, sweet malt, and yeast.

Taste: I totally tasted melon on this. Everyone probably thinks I'm crazy, but I really do taste it. I could also taste floral hops. The aftertaste was sweet and mouth watering.

From the Avery site:
The success of Hog Heaven and The Reverend clearly demonstrates that beer drinkers are willing to embrace "BIGGER" beers. In the fall of 2001, we decided that a lighter BIG BEER would complement its darker colored predecessors. Salvation has luscious apricot and peach aromas delicately interwoven with spicy suggestions of nutmeg and cinnamon. This heavenly soft, champagne-like elixer is cellarable for 3 years.


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