Smoked Baltic Porter (Great Divide)

I had never tried this Great Divide Smoked Baltic Porter before. I like Baltic Porters and I like smoked flavors, so what could be wrong about this one?

General Thoughts
Look and Smell: It had a white, bubbly head. It was a very dark brown, almost black color. I smelled some smoke and some malt, but it wasn't a heavy aroma.

Taste: You could taste the smoke and a rich malt. It had a light bitter. I didn't think it was a remarkable porter, even as it warmed. It was drinkable. It does get points for not going overboard with the smoke taste. If you like porters, you should try it. I probably wouldn't buy it again though. I think the porter I made last winter was better. This just wasn't a complex enough flavor for me.

Smoked Baltic Porter is the sultry sister of a storied style. Brewed with traditional German malts and hops, this dark lager gets its special twist from a hefty addition of Bamberg smoked malt.  This smoldering, medium-bodied lager is sure to please.  Smoked Baltic Porter is smooth, smoky and dark…mysterious enough yet?


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