#2 MacRager Export (Kickham)

Wasn't really planning on putting my homebrews on here, since my faraway friends can't really taste it, but it's nice to remember what I though, compare it, and decide if I want to try the recipe again.

I got the recipe for this Scottish Export at Bacchus and Barlecorn brewshop. I brewed this in Feb 2009, and kept a few bottles to see how long it would stay good for, and boy two years later this was just fine!

General Thoughts
Look and Smell: This ruby-colored ale had quite the head. It was tan-ish and frothy. It had a little lacing as I drank it down. It was very clear (no yeasty bits or other sediment). It smelled malty and sweet. I could smell the biscuit (and went back to make sure it used biscuit malt). I got a very slight floral hop scent.

Taste: It was very carbonated and light. It was bitter. It wasn't suer complex, but better than some. Not bad for a second beer ever. The aftertaste is a mellow bitter. It was a nice little beer to share while I was brewing that weekend.

I used malt extract. Moved from primary after 8 days and secondary after 7 or 8 days. First taste in early April 2009 and it wasn't bad. There was no earth-shattering difference as it aged, but definitely didn't get worse.

Since this was a recipe I purchased, I don't know about putting down all the details, but below is a quick list of ingredients:

  • Light Malt Extract
  • Malt: Cara Munich (55L Crystal), Special B Malt (120 L Crystal), Black Malt (500 L), Biscuit Malt (24.5 L), Golden Promise
  • Hop Pellets: Brewer's Gold and Ken Golding
  • Yeast: Wyeast 1728 Scottish Ale Activator Pack


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