Little Sumpin' Sumpin' (Lagunitas Brewing Company)

I had this ale on tap at Sheffield's. I'm still on my quest to try more Lagunitas beers. This was one that I had ordered and was out, so when I saw it on tap it was a must-try beer.

General Thoughts
Look and Smell: It was gold with a white frothy head. I couldn't smell much over the crowded bar.

Taste: I think there was something wrong with this beer. From the description it was supposed to be a wheat, but it tasted really sour. It wasn't skunky; I drank it. It just wasn't as described. I let my friend try it, and he said that it tasted about right. He had tried it a few times before, and it always tasted off. I finished the pint. Not was I was expecting. I need to try it again.

From the Lagunitas site:
Sneaky Smooth with a Touch of What We Call Wheatly-esque-ish-ness. Crispy Wheat and Pale Malt flavors with a Big Round & Juicy Hop Finish. Everyone Needs A Little Sumpin’ Sumpin’ Sometimes.

If anyone has tried this before, please feel free to comment or let me know! I really want to know what was up with this.


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