Mother's Milk (Keegan Ales)

I had this stout from the tap at Stout NYC. It's a great spot. How can you beat a place called Stout? This beer was brewed in Kingston, NY.

General Thoughts
Look and Smell: This black brew had thinner head than I was expecting. I could smell the roast and sweet malts over the crowded bar.

Taste: It had a thinner consistency than I was expecting, but it was rich. The malty sweetness carried all the way through.

From the Keegan site:

As the name implies, Mother’s Milk is a dark and creamy milk stout. Hints of oatmeal, chocolate and of course, milk make this brew have a remarkably smooth and silky finish, a classic example of the style.
  • (2003) Awarded a gold medal at The Hudson Valley Microbrew Festival (our first festival ever attended!) (2010) Declared one of the top ten stouts in New York State by The New York Times.


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