1825 (Greenbush Brewing Company)

This Belgian Strong Ale was a great pick at the Greenbush taproom. A 6oz pour was a good start to tasting this brew.

General Thoughts
Look and Smell: This was a straw-colored brew with a light head. I didn't smell much. Maybe a little sugar? Might have been in my head knowing it was Belgian-ish.

Taste: It had a sharp bitter and slight citrus. I couldn't place the taste at first, but after a bit I found it to be like the pith of an orange. There was some sweetness to it too. It was like a good candied orange peel (not that over-processed junk). The 9.3% ABV doesn't hit you hard. It's smooth, but substantial.

From the Greenbush site:
A Belgian-Style golden ale with a little something extra.

1825… is that a year or a beer? An address or the number of nights you don't remember from your youth? In any case, our 1825 Belgian-Style ale defies definition with its golden ale roots and tasty afterglow.

Grain: Belgian Pale, Belgian Munich, Belgian Biscuit, Belgian Aromatic

Hops: Styrian Goldings, Vanguard

Yeast: Belgian yeast

Extras: Clear candi sugar

Ahhh....Vanguard. That would give me that touch of citrusy goodness.


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