5 Lizard (5 Rabbit)

I had 50 or so beers at the MWBF last weekend. There is no way to catalog all that, so I'm just going to hit the highlights and write up the others as I come back to them. None of them were so awful that I need to write a warning about. Some were unremarkable, but I'd drink them again.

5 Rabbit Cerveceria is one with an interesting story and play on beer. After reading articles about their Latin culture and cuisine, I thought that this should be the first stop for this Latina. I will say I got side-tracked, BUT I made it to their table while my taste buds were still sharp! I also got some slick glass wear complete with super cool logo.

This Latin-Style Witbier was one I read about. With mention of passion fruit, I wasn't sure where it would take me, but I was interested.

General Thoughts
Look and Smell: This wit had a head that stuck around for a bit. The lacing it left in my tiny cup was pretty light. It was cloudy and yellow. It smelled of tart fruit, but in a good way.

Taste: It was tart, it was refreshing, it was wheaty. I didn't lose the grain in the fruitiness of it. It was really creamy like a decadent treat. I really liked this one. A great spring beer, a great summer beer, a great beer to get you out of the winter blues. Sabe bien!

From the 5 Rabbit site:
5 Lizard is a creamy and refreshing wheat beer with some spicy complexity and light touch of passion fruit for a delicious and slightly exotic flavor.


  1. I am on the Midwest Brewfest Committee and loved reading your blogs! I am wondering if you'd be interested in sharing your photos with us for a couple small projects???? Please email me: heatherheavens@hotmail.com. We are currently trying to get a thank you note done with a collage of pictures. You have a couple we'd love to use! Thank You!!!


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