Calumet Queen (Three Floyds)

This was my ever-elusive kolsch. I hadn't seen it on tap since I moved to the area, but the poster for it hanging in the pub intrigued me. I live off of Calumet after all. When it was added I was finding it hard to get there...but I finally did.

General Thoughts
Look and Smell: It was a light gold, almost yellow with light lacing. It had a light frothy head. I picked up slight acid to the smell, but it was a light scent.

Taste: I tasted apple or pear. it had an acid to it. Not sure if it was just me or not. It was a good lager. It was creamier than most lagers with a citrus hop taste. Not bad. Good warm-weather brew. Reminded me of the Spanish lagers.

From the menu:
A crisp and refreshing lighter summer offering, this Kolsch-style beer is golden in color, light-bodied and a perfect recipe for hot weather. 


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