Cup o' Kyndnes (Ommegang)

I had a couple of these corked bottles from one of my many beer runs that got out of hand (well, they all do). Scotch Ale, Ommegang, there is nothing that could be wrong with that whatsoever. Without my McEwan's, I have to find comfort somewhere.

General Thoughts
Look and Smell: This looked like a standard Scotch Ale. It was a dark reddish-brown with a thick off-white head. The head stuck around for a little while. It smelled grainy, but more of a sweet grain and malty.

Taste: I tasted some acid to this. I couldn't place it. It was pretty dry too. It was grainy and earthy with a bitter spike that took you away from a traditional malty ale. It lightened it up some, if that's even the right way to put it. The Belgian-style yeast came right through the complex flavors. This is a must-try if you can get it.

The Ommegang site didn't list this Limited Edition brew, but the bottle had information:
The Belgian-Scotch brewing connection dates to World War I, when thousands of Scotsmen spent years in Belgium. To satisfy their new customers, Belgian brewers learned to brew Scotch-style ales, and the style became a new and significant part of the Belgian brewing tradition. This fine Ommegang ale uses heather tips and a wee bit of smoked malt to bring the taste and aroma of Scotland to the forefront.


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