Sunspot (Greenbush Brewing Company)

After a wonderful pint of the Retribution, I decided to end off this session with a hefewiezen that I tried at the MWBF.

General Thoughts
Look and Smell: It was a cloudy-gold color with a light ring of head at the top that stayed with it for a while and light lacing. I could smell the wheaty grain right off.

Taste: It was a sweeter wheat. It was very refreshing. I'd recommend it to those who love wheats and those who love some wheats. I did get some lemon citrus too it too. In my MWBF notes I mentioned a bit of spice to it (like cloves), but they weren't that strong. I don't remember tasting it this time. This is a very good wheat.

From the Greenbush site:
A hot way to cool down

Hot. Drenched. Delightfully blinding. Right. We're not talking about that ball of fire in the sky, but our refreshing hefewiezen ale. Skip the shade and down a glass or two and be cool.

Grain: White wheat, 2 row malt, black malt and flaked wheat

Hops: Saaz

Yeast: German wheat yeast


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