Über Alt (Rush River Brewing Co.)

I had a good experience with the Double Bubble from Rush River, so I went for a bottle of their altbier.

General Thoughts
Look and Smell: The labeling was just as cool as the other bottle. I could smell malt sweetness from the bottle through the bar smells.

Taste: It was malty, but it was bitter too. Then the malt came again to round it off. I got a good caramel taste too. This was yet another well-balanced beer. This was definitely a good dessert after the steak and Imperial IPA!

From the Rush River site:
Our Alt is a much stronger version of the traditional Dusseldorf Altbiers. An ancient style from the Rhineland, Altbiers are ales that were virtually wiped out by German lagers in the 1800’s. We use plenty of European hops and German pilsner malts to brew a remarkably clean beer. We then rest it in the cooler for two months to achieve the mellow finish that is the Überalt’s trademark.


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