Brew Monkey (Limestone)

Okay holidays are over and my recovery from post-travel sickness is well underway. Now it's time for some serious catch up on beer notes. I have so many that I'm seriously debating putting an end to this all. For consistency's sake, I push on.

I enjoyed this Belgian Strong Ale after a fun little winterfest at Limestone Brewery in Plainfield, IL. It was served with a little cranberry soft cheese.

General Thoughts
Look and Smell: This was a medium gold with a thin bubble ring for head. I could smell the Belgian sugars and a little tartness; almost apple.

Taste: The tart broke through the creaminess of the cheese on my tongue. It really matched the cranberry well. After the cheese wore off, I tasted some maltiness to this. It wasn't too sweet, but just enough to balance it a bit. The aftertaste was nice and tart. A very good brew.


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