Ruthless (Sierra Nevada)

I had the chance to visit a new pub, Catch 22, a couple of weeks ago. They had a great selection of local, craft, and more widely distributed brews. After hearing great things about Sierra's Rye IPA, I had to try it.

General Thoughts
Look and Smell: This amber-ish brown-ish brew had a frothy off-white head. I couldn't smell much over the bar. It left moderate to heavy lacing on my glass as I drank it down.

Taste: It was bitter, it was grainy, it was spicy, it had a light sweetness from the malt. Overall it was a powerful, yet drinkable rye. I'd recommend it for both new and experienced rye brew drinkers. It stood up even after I drank Four Horsemen's Hop Rush.

From the SN site:
Rye has been a staple grain for millennia—sought after for its stubborn resilience in the field and revered for its unique flavor. Ruthless Rye IPA is brewed with rustic grains for refined flavors—combining the peppery spice of rye and the bright citrusy flavors of whole-cone hops to create a complex ale for the tumultuous transition to spring.


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