Savor the Seasons

Thanksgiving time means such different things to different people. Some use it as a time to travel and gather with family and friends. Some have a celebration of food. Others use it as a relaxing break from work. For me any excuse for a celebration is welcome. 

Not only is this a time to celebrate what we are thankful for, it is the beginning of reflection season. We start with reflection of what we are grateful for. Then we exchange gifts. We think about what might make others happy and what makes us happy. Finally we reflect on the past year, our accomplishments, shortcomings, and what we might hope to accomplish for the next year. 

No matter how you start this time of reflection, I hope you truly enjoy Thanksgiving. Savor each day of this holiday season. Don't let it go by too quickly to enjoy it. Think about what you really like best and don't get swept up in the parts that you don't. Don't stress, enjoy.



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