American Amber (Rogue)

I got a pint of this Amber on the tap at my neighborhood chain restaurant/pub. It's a good spot for a patio (and cheese-drenched food) on a nice summer day. I've had an assortment of Rouge beers ranging from their flagship Dead Guy Ale to some more innovative brew in their Grow Your Own (GYO) series (full list here). I don't remember having this one though, so I took some notes down.

General Thoughts
Look and Smell: This bright amber brew had a thin white head that quickly disappated. It smelled slightly toasty.

Taste: It had a generic bitterness I couldn't place. Probably added to the boil early on when making it. That hop flavor didn't overpower. It was a good amount for the style. It finished malty, grain bag malty. It was really nice. When I go for an Amber, this is what I'd expect. Smooth bitterness and good-quality grains.

From the Rogue site:
Tawny in color, with a coffee aroma, tight head and a delicate roasted malt accent. Generous use of hops and a smooth finish.


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