Stefan's Indian Ale (Maisel & Friends)

I'm going back to the basics with this beer notes post. A 5-hour layover hurts less when you're in the fatherland of beer. I passed on the liter of lager for this nod to the English IPA.

General Thoughts
Look and Smell: It's clear gold with a frothy white head with a thick layer that sticks around for the full sitting. It leaves moderate lacing on the glass. The aroma is more floral than expected for an English -style brew. The orange comes through in the smell.

Taste: Pithy, pithy, juicy orange. That pithiness brings it into the IPA category. The thick may gives it nice body and makes the bitterness fade nicely.

From the bottle:
Inspirierend und exotisch. Ãœberrascht mit Zitrus-noten und floralem Touch. Im Abgang Anklänge von Waldhonig und karamellisiertem  Malz. Eine Reise durch die Welt der Aromen.


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