Oak Aged Yeti (Great Divide)

Great Divide is one of those good standard breweries that I neglect; Yeti Imperial Stout is a good standard beer. I used to get the standard and the oak-aged version on tap when I could. It has been a few years, so when I saw this at the store I snatched a bottle.

General Thoughts
Look and Smell: The chocolate-colored head settled quickly. It was a very dark brown, almost black. You could smell this on pour, an aroma of chocolate and oak. You don't smell the alcohol in this like some others. 

Taste: The oak flavor was strong, but doesn't mask the alcohol taste. It had a dry sharpness to it, but it smooths out into a rich stout. I tasted more of a dry espresso roast aftertaste than chocolate. This is a bit surprising because of the chocolate smell. Very yummy overall. But I am faithful to my Left Hand's Wake Up Dead. I will say that from my memory, I like the standard Yeti better. But I'll have to try it again and see...and write a post so I remember.

From the Great Divide site:
Oak Aged Yeti is Yeti Imperial Stout’s sophisticated sibling. They may be from the same clan, but they have entirely different personalities. Oak aging gives a subtle vanilla character, rounding out Yeti’s intense roastiness and huge hoppy nature. Who says you can’t tame a Yeti?  


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