Red's Rye PA (Founders)

This is another one in my rediscovery of Founders. I remember liking this one when I had it last (quite a while ago). My review is sort of quick on this one; I have a six pack and intend to drink another. I was kind of on a rye kick. There are so many to chose from, so I stuck with a couple of old standards (this and Hop Rod) before picking up some new ones.

General Thoughts
Look and Smell: It was a rich red color. The bubbly white head settles quickly. I can smell the hops right away.

Taste: I could taste the hops with a light citrus taste. I can feel it in my nose. (Not like the bubbles tickle my nose, but more like the taste is intense.) I get an odd bitter and sour aftertaste.

From the Founders site:
Serious hop bitterness, along with an unyielding grapefruit bouquet from the Amarillo dry-hop, balances the malty richness of four varieties of imported Belgian caramel malts. Pours a spectacular crimson with a creamy tan head. A generous addition of rye malt accentuates a spicy, crisp finish.


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