Hercules (Great Divide)

I had this Double IPA on tap at Beer Geeks. It has been a long time since I've had any Great Divide beer on tap, so I figured it was time. Plus, I was in the mood for some hops.

General Thoughts
Look and Smell: It had a white head with tiny bubbles. It was a bright amber. I couldn't really smell much, but my smell was off.

Taste: The hops were very woody. I could taste grain and yeast. This beer was mouthwatering. It ended with malt and bitter, together. A great combination. It was a bit sticky/syrupy. It was a nice flavor overall. It hit all of my tongue with complex flavors.

From the Great Divide site:
Hercules Double IPA is not for the faint of heart. It is, however, fit for the gods.  HERCULES delivers a huge amount of hops from start to finish. Its hefty backbone of nutty, malty sweetness balances its aggressive hop profile.


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