5 Vultures (5 Rabbit)

The cold rain yesterday put me in the mood for something dark and spicy. This Oaxacan-Style Dark Ale was just what I needed.

General Thoughts
Look and Smell: This brew was an amber-brown. Pretty dark, but had that orange-red tint. The bubbly head quickly dissipated. I could smell earthy grain and hops. The smell was definitely not overpowering.

Taste: This was fantastic. At the beginning of the first sip, I got a bit of heat that turned into waves moving over my tongue. It has a sticky malty quality that is lifted away by the spices. That sticky sugar reminds me of candied nuts. Very good brew. It would go great with very savory meats and even cheeses.

I still prefer el Mole Ocho for a chile-spiced ale, but that's really heavy. If you want something lighter, this is definitely it. I could drink this all night!

From the 5 Rabbit site:
5 Vulture is a deep ambered-colored ale with complex caramel aromas with toasted sugar notes and a long, elegant spicy finish. Roasted ancho chile is used to add depth and complexity, without adding heat or strong chile flavors.

***I think that candied nuts flavor I was getting is like the toasted sugar in their description.


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