Coffee Stout (New Glarus)

My third in my tiny tasting evening was a New Glarus brew. I had a sample NG pack to go along with the Gray's, so I tapped into that stash. I needed something more roasted after that Bully Porter. These samples were just to get a little taste of something new. I've had average to good experiences with New Glarus. I wasn't sure what this stout had in store, but I knew it wouldn't be terrible.

General Thoughts
Look and Smell: The little bubbles of the off-white head stuck around. It smelled like coffee with lots of cream. It was almost black.

Taste: Yep....creamy café Americana. Sugary. Not a bitter roast. Interesting. I wouldn't add it to my list of favorite beers. It was a little sweet for my tastes, but I'm an espresso drinker.

From the NG site (apparently they don't make this anymore):
Hearty and satisfying, our Coffee Stout is the ultimate full-bodied brew. Wisconsin water, roasted malts, and imported hops are the natural ingredients we use to brew this bier. Then cold pressed organic coffee from Just Coffee Co-op is infused into the brew.

Expect this bier to pour a deep creamy head over an ebony rich body. Notice the powerful malt bouquet balanced by a spectrum of extravagant flavor. Served at room temperature this Wisconsin Coffee Stout is guaranteed to warm even the coldest heart.


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