80 Acre (Boulevard)

Boulevard beers are now widely available. I had never heard of them until I moved to Missouri, and now they are everywhere. From the East Coast to Alaska, this beer is getting around. Their recipes are becoming more consistent, their product line is expanding, and they are putting out some nice collaborations with local businesses and breweries around the nation.

I enjoy their standard Unfiltered Wheat and ZŌN their Belgian-Style Wit, so when I saw this Hoppy Wheat on tap at my local chain restaurant-bar, I figured I'd give it a shot. It was a chilly summer day on the patio, but it was still summer after all!

General Thoughts
Look and Smell: This straw-colored and cloudy brew had a white bubbly head that coated the glass. It smelled like lemon and heavy, earthy wheat.

Taste: It was a thick wheat. The hoppiness was mostly finishing (added at the end so you get the hop flavors without the oils breaking down to bitter it). There was no bitterness to this at all. It was still beer, don't get me wrong. It was quite tasty. I haven't had a Gumball Head (Three Floyds) in ages, but people who like that would really enjoy this.

From the Boulevard site:
With roots in two of today's most popular brewing styles, 80-Acre Hoppy Wheat Beer is the result of careful cultivation by our brewers and cellarmen. Their efforts to craft a hybrid yielded a bumper crop of flavor; a delightfully distinctive ale with the aroma of an IPA and the refreshing taste of a wheat beer.


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