A Date to Remember (Hunter's Brewing)

With F8's Date Night Barleywine, the idea of dates and booze really appeals to me. When I saw this on tap at Hunter's I really had to try it. The date/dark fruit flavor from this brew is all in the grain and yeast. This is the second runnings from the barleywine they have set to release this winter. This is distinctly different, but while I wait in anticipation of the rich barleywine, this satisfied my thirst for a complex cold-weather brew.

General Thoughts
Look and Smell: This black brew had a light head that settled into a tan ring of bubbles. It smelled brown-sugar sweet.

Taste: I tasted caramel and vanilla. It was incredibly date-flavored with no date. It was wild. The dark fruit flavors were really showcased. It really was a great beer. I'd give it four stars if I was one to give stars to people and four was the highest.


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