Highland Ambush (BridgePort Brewing)

I've always been a sucker for a good Scottish-Style ale. I've found some that I've really liked (McEwan's, Robert the Bruce, and Kilt Lifter). I'd never pass up the taste of a new brew. I saw this at my local shop and got a bomber.

General Thoughts
Look and Smell: This was a nice deep, dark red with a thin tan head. I could smell the grain and yeast. It's not a good Scottish-style without that biscuity grain aroma.

Taste: What hit me first was how dry it was. It was a very dry beer. After reading the label, I realized it was oaked. You could sure taste it! After I got past that, it was just grainy. It was weird, but it had some characters of the scotch ale I made. Looking at the description, they do share Golding hops. Not bad, but I don't think I'd go out of my way for it. Any person who likes this style of brew should definitely give it a shot.

From the bottle:
Highland Ambush is a mighty scotch ale, oak-aged to perfection. The triumphant result has a top note of oak and vanilla mixed with bitterness from its UK Golding hops. It's a full-bodied assault on your taste buds. 


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