
Showing posts from February, 2012

Offwidth (Figure 8)

Dogma Dubbel (Figure 8)

5 Points for a Perfect Pub

Dark Lord 2011 (Three Floyds)

Go Chicago Steel, Go!

Das Kleine Schwarz Einhorn (Three Floyds)

Cimmerian Sabertooth Berzerker (Three Floyds)

Barrel Aged Black Sun (Three Floyds)

Wit Kicker (Figure 8)

Where Lizards Dare (Figure 8)

Jumbo Love (Figure 8)

Mammoth (Greenbush)

Saison (Dupont)

Aphrodite (Ommegang)

Gemini (Sixpoint Craft Ales)

Spice of Life: Warrior (Sixpoint Craft Ales)

Spice of Life: Simcoe (Sixpoint Craft Ales)

Sahti (New Belgium)

Osiris (Sun King)

Chocolate Ale (Boulevard)

Hell (Surly)

Dreadnaught (Three Floyds)

Espresso Oak Aged Yeti (Great Divide)

Cocoa Molé (New Belgium)

#9 (Magic Hat)

Big Sound (Cigar City)